Pin Mill GSM

The pin mill uses the principle of screenless rotary impact crushing. The two pin discs rotate in opposite directions at a high circumferential speed. The product being ground impacts on the pins and is thereby broken into small particles.
Characteristics of pin mills
- Universal application. Fine crushing of a very wide range of products from the food processing, minerals, plastics, elastomers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints and dyes sectors.
- Screenless rotary impact crushing. Permits a higher throughput rate than mills with screens, cleaning is simpler when the product is changed.
- Very well suited for cryogenic milling with liquid nitrogen for viscoplastic materials.
Advantages of our GSM pin mills with direct drive
- Energy saving due to the elimination of V-belts. The drive supplies power from two motors directly via clutches.
- Varying the speed (in r.p.m.) via a frequency converter permits infinite adjustment of the fineness of the product.
- There is no V-belt drive and no transmission. The elimination of the high V-belt-radial forces extends the lifetime of the bearings. There is no need for regular repairs to the transmission either.
- Optimised bearing seals thanks to a contact-free air flushing.
- Robust casing made of welded steel or stainless steel.
- The use of bearing bushes protects the casing. All wearing parts in the interior of the mill can be replaced.
- The large height-adjustable door provides easy access to the interior of the mill.
- The generously proportioned casing makes it possible to grind difficult materials to a fine grade without sticking.
- An air-jet on the circumference of each of the two pin discs immediately cools the product, which has been warmed by the grinding process and blows it off the surfaces so it does not agglomerate.